Dec 23 2009

Podcast #43 – P2 and Pat Green

Published by at 9:00 am under podcast

Phil Pritchett welcomes Texas musician Pat Green to discuss their common history, Pat’s experiences in the major music label world, and Ridin’ High by Jerry Jeff Walker.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Podcast #43 – P2 and Pat Green”

  1. DJ Devin says:

    Thanks for the podcast! Pat Green ROCKS!

  2. Dow Seagraves says:

    Very cool!! Happy Holidays

    Look forward to seeing you at Woody’s in 2010

  3. DJ Devin says:

    Awesome interview! I really enjoyed the stories and loved hearing Pat’s take on the music business. I would love to hear more!

  4. Walker says:

    South and Pat sound so much alike…… South really Pat’s Chris Gaines? Or is Pat really South’s Chris Gaines….you tell me?

  5. C Toole says:

    Great interview. Pat Green is the best! He really ROCKS!!!!!!